Friday, March 6, 2020

Learn Maths 10 Strategies to Improve your Maths Skills

Learn Maths 10 Strategies to Improve your Maths Skills Maths Tricks to Help you Improve at Maths Chapters10 Strategies to Help you Become Better at MathsMaster Each Topic in TurnTrain Your Memory for Mental MathsAlways Write Maths Problems DownWork in a Calm EnvironmentWork Together with Your Friends to Get Better at MathsMake a Step-by-Step Record of Maths Problems and SolutionsNever Write In InkShow Your Workings Using A PencilDon’t Revise Maths Late At NightVisualise the Maths ProblemEverybody has at least one memory from maths class.Whether doing KS2 at  primary school, maths revision  GCSE at secondary school, A Levels at sixth form, or studying at university, maths class certainly makes an impression on all of us.This subject will always be hugely important and that’s why it’s taught from a very young age. It provides us with many essential skills including logical thinking, restitution of knowledge, summarising, problem solving, working with time and space, and how to rationalise word problems.We can often find it difficult to learn maths. We stumble when it’s not going well when, in fact, all we have to do is take a step back from the wreckage. If we don't, this can make our marks go down and cause us to lose confidence in our own abilities.Even if you usually fail maths, don't despair! If you want to get better maths scores, here are some great tips on how to get ahead in maths and boost your level in the subject.To succeed in maths, you should always write things down as it helps structure your reasoning.Reformulate the problem by writing it down and start solving it step by step instead of trying to tackle the problem all at once and making a mistake.Work in a Calm EnvironmentWhen you have to revise or solve a maths problem, try to find a calm and quiet place where you won’t be distracted and can avoid making mistakes.Don’t listen to loud music, make sure your television isn’t on in the background, put your smartphone on silent and turn off notifications, and avoid anything that could distract you. This is also true for online math tutoring.Go somewhere calming to revise maths. (Source: UMich)If you want to get better marks in maths, you should focus completely on what you’re doing. Remove anything that could draw your attention away from your maths problems.Make yourself a maths sanctuary: indicate on your door that you’re working on your maths exercises and tell your family that you’d like to concentrate and not be disturbed while you’re studying.Otherwise, set aside a few hours so that you can go to your closest library. You’ll finish your work in a fraction of the time, concentrate better and study more effectively. MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Gowsi kaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWork Together with Your Friends to Get Better at MathsIf one of your classmates asks you for advice, try to explain it as clearly as possible.In fact, if you clearly understand something, you can clearly explain it. Explaining something clearly means that you have mastered your subject.Being able to help someone struggling in maths is also an opportunity to check your own understanding of the subject.Test your knowledge with a qualified maths tutor. (Source: US News)Paraphrasing or relaying information to somebody else is a great way to develop your understanding of maths.Don’t forget to ask for advice from the people you know. It’s always useful to get a different point of view using different expressions to help you better understand something.Get help for you r kids by finding a maths tutor for themMake a Step-by-Step Record of Maths Problems and SolutionsIf you want to get better at maths, you should take notes on how to solve every maths problem you face. It's also great when you're practicing for exams.Then, work back through the problems by following each step. By working back through the problems, it’s much easier to follow your process.This will help both you and the teacher when they correct your work. It will help them understand your thought process and give them more opportunities to give you marks.By clearly showing how you arrive at your answer and the steps you’ve taken to solve the problem, the teacher can see that you’ve thought about the problem and how you tackled it.Never Write In InkWhy shouldn’t I use a pen when it comes to showing my working? Because you’ll inevitably make a mistake!Imagine an erroneous decimal point completely changing the place value of a digit!Your thought process will take you down seve ral roads before you get to the answer and you’ll end up with a lot of information written down. This will be really difficult to read.Your brain won’t know where you’re going, you’ll panic, and then you’ll end up wasting a lot of time on otherwise simple sums.When you have the solution to your problem and have shown that you thought about it, clearly copy down the steps you’ve taken.Show Your Workings Using A PencilBy using pencils with rubbers, you’ll be able to rub out whatever goes wrong and make as many corrections as you need to. This means you’ll have a clear and readable document at the end. If you make a mistake with the order of operations, you'll see exactly where you went wrong!To make your mathematical reasoning as clear as possible, you should always have a blank page next to you and avoid pages of scribbles in order to make your life as easy as possible.Buy quality equipment. Every mathematician knows that!Follow these maths tips to the letter!Don’t Revise Maths Late At NightWhen you work on a maths problem, whether it’s fractions, probability, or the Fourier Transform, never stay up late to do so.A lot of students do it but the consequences can be really bad for your health. You're never going to master complex numbers, the Pythagorean theorem, or a quadratic equation when you're struggling to keep your eyes open. I can barely do basic adding and subtracting when I'm tired, let alone  long division or subtracting fractions.Don't stay up late doing your maths exercises. (Source: Hype Science)On the one hand, you won’t feel great the next morning and you’ll have probably dreamt about maths all night.On the other hand, the later you work, the more likely you are to make mistakes. Your concentration won’t be as good as during the day or in the morning.If you’re stuck on a maths problem, leave it alone for a few hours.“Sleeping on it” is often a good idea. The next morning you’ll wake up with the solution being so o bvious or you'll at least have a few ideas on how to tackle the problem.Visualise the Maths ProblemThis tip is pretty cliché and not always possible but if it’s possible, you should try and visualise the problem.By having a visualisation of the problem, you’ll be able to see which other maths tips to employ to help solve your problem.A picture's worth a thousand words. (Source: Yale Alumni Service Corps)This is particularly useful for geometry and trigonometry and is basically why graphing exists. These types of puzzles beg to be drawn up. I mean, can you actually think about a right triangle without picturing it in your head?It’s important to simplify as much information as possible into coherent imagery. Diagrams, tables, and graphics can always be used as a visual aid to solve problems.Would you like to know  how much time you need to get good at maths?

Useful Italian Phrases and Tips for Dating

Useful Italian Phrases and Tips for Dating Brooke Neuman Navigating through the complex world of dating is hard enough, let alone trying to do it in a foreign country. Below, Italian teacher Nadia B. shares some useful Italian phrases and tips for dating Youve tried Italian cuisine, explored every inch of the Vatican, and survived your first Italian conversation. Is dating an Italian next on your bucket list? Perhaps youre planning on studying abroad in Italy, or youre simply mesmerized by the sophisticated allure of Italians. Whatever the case, dating in Italy is quite different from your local dating scene back home. Below are some useful Italian phrases and tips for dating so you can navigate the Italian dating world  con gusto. But first, lets go over some Italian dating tips: Helpful Tips for Dating Italians While theyre arent any hard and fast rules to dating Italiansas every individual is differentthere are some things to keep in mind as you play the field. Below are some helpful tips for both men and women: Italians are a very fashionable bunch. If you want to attract a date, be sure to dress appropriately at all times. Torn, revealing, or heavily worn clothing are a big no-no. Ladies, dont be too showy. Italian men are drawn to women who are elegant, funny, and intelligent. Bottom line, be your charming self! Italians are often outgoing  and expressive. Dont be alarmed if your date gets enthusiastic, as he or she is just expressing his or her emotions. Family is very important to Italians. Be  respectful of that and show an interest in getting  to know and learning about your significant others family members. Useful Italian Phrases for Dating Whats the key to a successful relationship? Communication.  To make sure that you can successfully communicate with your date, brush up on your Italian language with these useful Italian phrases: Below are some useful Italian phrases for sparking up a conversation with someone who peaks your interest: Posso offrirti qualcosa? (Can I buy you a drink?) Come stai? (How are you?) Posso unirmi a te? (Can I join you?) If you like the person you meet, you might continue to see each other. Here are some words associated with dating: farsi delle storie (to see each other) uscire (to go out on a date, but it can also be used in a more general context of leaving the house to go out somewhere) accompagnarsi (to go with, accompany) Italians enjoy doing various activities with the person they’re dating. For example, you might find yourself doing any one of the activities below: fare una passeggiata (taking a walk) andare al cinema (going to the movies) cucinare insieme (cooking together) Once you start seeing someone, you might want to clarify your relationship. The following words will help you to explain  the status of your relationship: il mio ragazzo/la mia ragazza (my boyfriend/my girlfriend) il mio fidanzato/la mia fidanzata (my fiancé/my fiancée) il mio amante/la mia amante (my lover [male/female]) innamorarsi (to fall in love [with each other]) divertirsi (to have fun) relazione, rapporto (relationship) As you fall more in love with the person youre dating, you may want to use more affectionate names for them.  There are many possibilities when it comes to affectionate terms for your partner, but here is a sampling of some of the most typical: amore (love) tesoro (honey or literally meaning treasure) cucciolo (my pet or literally meaning puppy) Learn more romantic Italian phrases here! The better you are at speaking Italian and understanding the customs of Italy, the easier you’ll find it to date in Italy.  Dating an Italian can be a fascinating, fun, and unique experience. Who knows, you may just find eternal love (amore eterno)!f Post Author:  Nadia B. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Reasons to Consider Private Tutoring

3 Reasons to Consider Private Tutoring Improving Academic Performance On the surface, there are many reasons why students and parents consider private tutoring, but in essence they boil down to three fundamental reasons. The general reasons for hiring a private tutor are listed here in order of reactiveness to proactiveness. 1. When There’s A Problem The majority of people looking for a tutor are hoping to solve a problem. These are parents seeking out tutors because their kids’ report cards are unsatisfactory, or college students looking for help after they bomb the midterm. The motivation for these sorts of people is primarily damage control, and once the problem is solved they intend to go back to business as usual. They see private tutoring as a last resort tactic, sort of like stopping at a gas station and asking for directions. 2. When You Want To Avoid Having A Problem Parents and students who fall into this category are often concerned with maintaining a high standard, perhaps with specific educational or career goals in mind. These are parents who want to ensure that their kids maintain a 4.0 GPA, or college students who want to be sure they get into a specific graduate program. People in this category often have a fixed plan for themselves or their kids and want to keep things within parameters. They are likely to seek private tutoring as a form of good grade insurance, largely for the peace of mind. 3. When You Want To Ensure Excellence And Build A Foundation For Long Term Learning This is the smallest category, consisting of students who want to take advantage of every opportunity to develop themselves and parents who want to maximize the value of their children’s education. The motivation here is not image or performance, but the joy of fulfilling one’s potential. They don’t even think in terms of problems, they take it for granted that they or their kids will do their best no matter what and seek only opportunities for growth. Realistically, which category do you fit into? Ideally, which one would you like to place yourself in? As a private tutor myself, I know how easy it can be to merely focus on solving and avoiding problems. I also know how much more fulfilling and empowering it is to focus on growth and opportunity, and I know which types of clients I prefer to work with. While it can be tempting to lament the state of public education, I choose instead to be grateful for the opportunity to further my own educational journey through the mentorship of eager and inquiring minds. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

Four Benefits of Reading Aloud

Four Benefits of Reading Aloud Teachers of young students often read aloud to them, but the truth is, its valuable to do so even with older students. Here are four powerful benefits of reading aloud: Youll model fluent reading. Hearing you read out loud shows students what fluent reading should sound like. Youll demonstrate good pacing, proper pronunciation, how to pause for punctuation, and how to emphasize words in appropriate places. Youll help students build their auditory learning style. Some students are naturally good listeners, while others could use the practice to strengthen their auditory learning skills. Reading aloud encourages your students to focus when you are speaking in order to retain what you say and apply it to what they already know. Youll promote literacy and listening skills. Especially from an early age, reading out loud to students helps them acquire many of the building blocks necessary to read themselves. It also helps students grow their vocabulary because they hear a wider variety of words in use. When possible, have students read along with the book or printed paper in front of them. This supports weaker readers who can follow the text while listening to you and builds all students comprehension. Youll bring stories to life. Theres nothing quite like reading aloud to bring your students together for a shared, special experience. When you choose a class book and carve out class time to read it, you instill a love of literature into your students and give them something to look forward to each day. Whether its detailed directions for an assignment or a class novel, keep reading aloud to your students when it makes sense. The benefits are numerous!

How to pass Maths GCSE

How to pass Maths GCSE GCSE maths is a core subject that you need to pass as it's a must-have for higher education qualifications, universities, apprenticeships and a wide range of careers. Passing maths GCSE requires knowledge of various mathematical basics, as well as more advanced maths theory. The following are all core areas both in the foundation and higher tier GCSE. (1) Number - fractions decimals, percentages(2) Algebra - quadratic equations, factorising, indices(3) Ratio, proportion and rates of change - compound measures, measurements(4) Geometry and measures - angle theorems, 3 D shapes, vectors(5) Trigonometry - Pythagoras theorem, congruency (6) Statistics and probability - averages, data, sampling Step one: Practice all the time Aside from tutors and teachers, there are many websites and revision guides that offer tips on everything you may come across in the maths GCSE syllabus. It's good to practice what you learn as you go as this helps with memorization. Read practice questions and familiarise yourself with how questions are asked and what various terms mean. A tutor or teacher can help here to understand what examiners want to see in your answers. Write down - this means no explanation is needed for an answer. Just answer. Calculate - this means solve, and show your working out Draw - this means plot accurately using the graph paper Step two: Use the official syllabus as a revision checklist If you don't know where this is, ask your maths teacher/tutor and read through each part so you have everything covered by the time your exam comes around. Step three: Show the working out on exam questions To get a high grade, you need to write down every step of your working out, when asked. This is because even if you get the answer wrong, you will get some marks for providing a partially-correct solution. Step four: Memorise formulas Both memorisation and practice that will bring you a top grade in GCSE maths. And the best way to improve memory retention is by repetition; keep doing practice questions over and over again. Step five: Revise everything you have studied That's everything from year 10 and 11 as you never know what questions you will be asked so check through all the key subject areas (see above). Step six: Read the questions properly Make sure you understand what the question is asking, as some will be 'multi-step' questions. For example, part (b) of a question might require you to know information from part (a). The number of marks is given at the end of each question or part question. Step seven: Check your answers It's really easy to make small mistakes when you're stressed, so always factor in some time to check your work and answers. Step eight: Ask and accept help Asking for help from a maths tutor or teacher doesn't mean you cannot do maths. It's simply a way of ensuring you have a good understanding of the subject knowledge and strategies around revision and exam technique.

5 ways to streamline the college application process

5 ways to streamline the college application process Tips from a Los Angeles College Admissions Consultant: 5 Ways to Streamline the College Application Process Its that time of year; students are filling out numerous college applications in hopes of being accepting to one of their dreams schools. Some students will also be filling out financial aid and scholarship forms while preparing to take the SAT or ACT. Throw in a couple of advanced placement classes, and students wont be able to leave their desk until January. This can be a very stressful and overwhelming time, but there are some ways students can streamline the college application process, so they get through it successfully and still have the energy to go to class through the end of June get into your first choice for college with the help of our Los Angeles college admissions consultants. 1.     Consult a college counselor Its really important that college applicants speak to a college counselor before they get too far through the process. Students can work with a college counselor provided by their high school or work with one privately. Whatever they decide, its important to consult a professional who is up-to-date on all of the latest changes that take place each year. College counselors can give sound technical advice but can also advise students on reasonable options as well as help them locate excellent colleges and universities they may not have originally considered. 2. Leave extra time A lot of the stress involved in the college application process arises because students run out of time. A well-intentioned student will plan to sit down on a Saturday morning and write their college essays but then find out they have a last minute advanced placement assignment due Monday morning. Somehow the college applications get pushed to the next week, and the process becomes more stressful. Students who leave plenty of extra time will find that a hectic academic or extracurricular schedule is not as detrimental as it seems. 3. Create an outline Just as students will create an outline to write an essay for an English class, they can write an outline for the college admissions process. Its helpful if students can start by writing a paragraph or a list of what is most important to them in their college experience. This way, if they get overly stressed later on, they can refer to their ‘top five’ lists to help them move forward. Next, students should compile a list of all the colleges they are considering applying to and research what each college requires in advance. When students prepare in this way, they avoid last-minute surprises that can be time-consuming and stressful. Finally, students are encouraged to write an extended outline of what their essay might discuss. This way, they can show it to the college counselor or tutor before they have taken the time to write an entire first draft (Read: Navigating the Basics of the College Application Process). 4. Focus on the personal statement Another essential element of college admissions is the personal statement or essay. Students are encouraged to spend as much time on this as is necessary. Other than good organization and editing skills, there arent any shortcuts. This is the student’s primary opportunity to show potential colleges what theyre about and what makes them special. Students applying on the common application will usually get to choose from three or four essays. Its worth the time to write two separate essays if the student feels they have something important to say on more than one topic. Once students have a good first draft, they can take it to their tutor or college counselor who can help them determine what might need to be changed or clarified regarding content. Once the content is concise and unique, students can begin to focus on editing. 5. The technical aspects In addition to writing a personal statement, students will have to fill out tons of forms that become repetitive. Theyll be writing down personal information for what will seem like days on end. Students are encouraged to break up this task into smaller increments to avoid becoming overwhelmed. They can also enlist family members to provide a second pair of eyes and make sure that each field is complete. If students forget to provide, technical information colleges may send the packet back to them to be completed. This takes a lot of time and, if students just barely met the due date, their application might be disregarded as incomplete. Our Los Angeles college admissions consultants have a 97% success rate! Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Sexting for Sexs Sake

Sexting for Sex's Sake Courtesy of Lies Through a Lens and Dont: Send a picture of any skin the day after getting someones number. If you do, the person will likely think youre easy, or worse, a slut. Do: Send a picture if your partner has explicitly (visually or verbally) let you know its fair game. However, the picture should be classy enough that you dont reveal yourself completely, but risque enough to make a heart race in anticipation. Dont: Talk dirtier than you could reasonably do in person. You dont want to give the wrong impression and then let the other person down when they find out youre about as freaky as a priest. (Which, come to think of it, may be a poor point.) Do: Attempt to instill some excitement in your partner for your next meeting. If its past 9 p.m. and the conversation is getting cold, warm it up by saying how sore your neck is, and how you wish you could have a massage, perhaps without your shirt on, and see where that teaser takes you. Dont: Sext other people when youre already going steady with someone.  (Ahem, pathetic relative who Im happy to announce is not related to me by blood). I dont care if you dont plan to ever do anything but sext them. Would you want your partner sexting another person? No! you damn barbarian. Do: Sext if you havent seen your mate in a while. Spice things up a bit by building eagerness for the next time you see each other. If its been some time since youve swapped more than stories, chances are your partner is horny and will take pleasure in your sextuality. Dont: Save pictures of your partner. In the long run, nothing good comes of that. Do: Ensure your partner erases all incriminating images of your own flesh. In the long run, nothing good comes from that either. Dont: Sext while in the same room, you weirdos. Do: Sext so hotly that you cant resist being in different rooms anymore. Dont: Show other people your virtual sexcapades. Its very off-putting. If you think it shows how cool you are, youre horribly mistaken. Remember that (almost) everyone in the world has sex at some point, so if youre doing it, youre about as unique as a Honda Civic. Do: Use something from your sexting conversation to get the ball rolling when youre with your partner again. For example, ask about that time they revealed that thing they wanted to try, and use that as a launching point for some steamy dialogue. If youre in a car, dont be alarmed when you suddenly cant see through the windows. Now before you start getting sextual, feel free to comment with the freakiest sext you ever received. Dont be shy, ya freaks.